The language I want to learn

now let's go to the important part which is the language that I want to learn, To be honest, I would like to learn many languages , Because I really enjoy learning a new language, and we all know that if you like something, you will be creative with it, and this is what I believe in . 

The languages ​​that I would like to learn the most are the Korean and Japanese languages . This is because I love K-pop, Korean dramas, and anime, I want to experience the feeling of being understood the TV show without the need for subtitles so let’s take you to MY JOURNEY  ON LEARNING JAPANESE :

I was exposed to Japanese language through manga and animation Like most of the anime otaku, we love to watch animation but we couldn’t understand Japanese. That makes us frustrated and has an urge to learn and understand Japanese. It is the thought and wish that I could watch the anime without the need of depending on the subtitles leads me to the journey of learning Japanese ,  I recently started learning it, I started using an app that teaches languages ​​in a fun and easy way, So far, I have only learned some sentences, but I have learned the numbers (1-10), and this is the beginning of the road . 

 The app I use is duolingo 

